4myEar - Holistic Tinnitus Center
Dr. med. Michael P. Golenhofen, Wendelsteinstrasse 10, 83209 Prien/Germany, phone: +49 08051 9614211, fax: +49 8051 9614212
E-mail: info@4myear.com
Internet: http://www.4myear.com/
Medical boards:
Bayerische Landesärztekammer, Mühlbaurstr. 16, 81677 München , http://www.blaek.de/
Physician - Oto-Rhino-Laryngologist, board certified in Germany
Professional laws:
Berufsordnung für die Ärzte Bayerns, http:/www.blaek.de/hauptseite.cfm?id_seite=172
Responsible for this web site:
Dr. Michael P. Golenhofen, Wendelsteinstrasse 10, 83209 Prien/Germany
We are not responsible for information given in any linked website. Responsible for the information given in linked sites are the authors of these websites only.
Dr. med.
Michael Golenhofen
Postweg 4b
83209 Prien
Tel:+49 (0)8051-9614211
Fax:+49 (0)8051-9614212
german language